Mobile app for PCN Parking Enforcement

The Inkara PCN app can be deployed to car park operations easily and cost effectively by using Android smartphones and a robust mobile printer. Whether you choose to use standard or robust phones, Arepo will work with you to deliver the best solution for your business. The mobile app utilises standard functions of smartphone hardware including the in-built camera, GPS and, where available, Near Field Communications (NFC).

The PCN app provides:

  • issuing of warning notices based on your business rules
  • issuing of Parking Charge Notices (PCN's)
  • capturing photographic evidence of each parking infringement
  • easy to use lists of vehicle makes and models
  • additional notes to support the parking notice
  • capturing of GPS coordinates

PCN and warning notice information is uploaded to your account in real time.

The app is modular and can also provide:

  • Staff patrols and proof of presence
  • Fault and Maintenance management
  • Infrastructure and third party issues

The software uses the latest contactless technology, NFC, to tag equipment and locations, ensuring that the app is as easy to use as possible. The uploaded information can be analysed and reported on, providing supporting data for Service Level Agreements (SLA's) or other reviews.

Inkara is in use in a wide range of parking activities including airport parking, meet and greet, city centre car parks, shopping centres and hospital trusts.

More and more parking activities require a mobile solution to help the car park operations. Arepo has over 10 years experience in building mobile applications across a range of mobile operating systems. As the mobile hardware has evolved, so has our software, and we will continue to evolve our software to meet our client's ever changing needs.

Parking Software

Parking compliance

Issue Parking Charge Notices through Smartphone apps or paper-based systems

Debt collection

Escalate unpaid PCNs to debt collection processes

Customer services

Manage all appeals and correspondence through centralised software


Link to other modules and pay by mobile 

Staff patrols

Log site patrols through a smartphone app

Sales & Support

+44 (0)20 7280 4390